rapeseed oil refinery rapeseed oi refining line in karachi

  • rapeseed oil refinery rapeseed oi refining line in karachi


  • QWhat is synchronous pressing and refining of rapeseed oil?
    AA new method for rapeseed oil preparation named synchronous pressing and refining after solid-phase preadsorption technology was investigated. Rapeseed and adsorbents were first mixed evenly to form premixes, and the product oils were then obtained by direct pressing and filtering.
  • QDoes rapeseed oil change chemical properties during refining process?
    AA similar trend was observed for the AV, PV and p -AV changes of the oils in varieties during refining process, which indicates that there was no significant difference between these chemical properties of rapeseed oil in varieties.
  • QHow is after-services of your company?
    AWe have on year warranty service. If you have any question can always find our answer.
  • QHow is fragrant rapeseed oil produced?
    AFragrant oils are produced by (filter-) pressing, water re- placement, extraction and other methods. In particular, the technology of fragrant rapeseed oil production has devel- oped from whole-seed pressing through peel-pressing to roasted seed pressing.
  • QWhat is a good refining method for rapeseed oil?
    ASilicon dioxide had the best refining effect, with dephosphorization and deacidification rates of 95% and 42%, respectively, when the dosage was 30 g/kg at a squeezing chamber temperature of 130 °C. At the same time, the L* value of rapeseed oil increased by 21%, and the a* value decreased by 59%.
  • QHow to improve rapeseed oil production?
    AThe environment footprints of rapeseed oil production were analyzed. Data on national-level average planting and on-site production were adopted. Balanced fertilization and organic fertilizer application should be popularized. Industrial layout should be adjusted to shorten the transportation distance.
  • QWhat is rapeseed oil preparation technology?
    AThe present rapeseed oil preparation technology universally used is prepressing and leaching technology. It is a long-term process with high energy consumption and a large discharge of three wastes (wastewater, waste organic solvent and residue).