peanut oil seeds 10l co2 extraction machine in malawi

  • peanut oil seeds 10l co2 extraction machine in malawi


  • QHow much CO2 does peanut oil produce in China?
    ATo compare the emissions of peanut and peanut oil production and other types of plants such as rice, wheat, corn and soybean, mentioned in previous research, we included the relative CF and NF results in Table 5. This study showed that the CF a of the peanut cropping system was 1912.58 kg CO 2 -eq ha ?1 year ?1 in China from 2008 to 2017.
  • QIs there any research on peanut oil production?
    AMeanwhile, the research on peanut oil production has not been reported currently. The nitrogen footprint (NF) has been designed as an effective indicator in recent years to quantitatively account for the potential Nr losses of the production process ( Qin et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2015 ).
  • QHow to choose the right one?
    APlease send ut your detailed equipments by email or online, and we will recommend suitable products according to your equipments.
  • QHow much CO2 does peanut oil produce?
    AThe CFy and NFy of peanut oil reached 1.38 kg CO 2 -eq kg ?1 and 28.23 g N-eq kg ?1, respectively. The results showed that there was still a large space for GHG and Nr emissions reduction in the Chinese peanut production system.
  • QWhat accounted for the CF of the peanut production subsystem?
    AFor the CF accounting result, agricultural inputs accounted for 59.40% of the total CF of the peanut production subsystem. Therein, the indirect emissions from chemical fertilizer production accounted for 18.79% of the total GHG emissions, followed by electricity, agricultural film, pesticide, and diesel fuel production.
  • QIs there a clean production in peanut industrial chain in China?
    AFertilizer production and application were continuously the largest sources of CF and NF in the peanut sector in China, which should be given more attention for reducing the environmental consequences in the future. This study provides policy guidance for clean production in peanut industrial chain in the China.
  • QCan a combined cultivation model reduce CF of peanut cropping systems?
    ATherefore, by improving farming patterns between crops, especially the combined cultivation model of peanut and Gramineae crops, we speculate that this may reduce the CF of peanut cropping systems, improve the carbon and nitrogen cycle of soil and reduce Nr losses. 4.3. Mitigation strategies in the upstream production chain 4 4.