liberia and competitive price palm oil press in togo

  • liberia and competitive price palm oil press in togo


  • QWhat is the oil palm export strategy of Liberia?
    AThe Oil Palm Export Strategy of Liberia identifies oil palm as an important tree crop for economic growth and development. Between 2009 and 2010, the GoL granted Golden Veroleum, Sime Darby (now Mano Palm Oil Industries), Equatorial Palm oil and Maryland Oil Palm Plantation concessions to develop plantation estates and support out-grower schemes.
  • QWhat is the national oil palm strategy & action plan of Liberia?
    AThe National Oil Palm Strategy and Action Plan of Liberia aims to guide public and private institutions, technical and academic institutions, and members of civil society participating in the sector for the achievement of common objectives and results articulated under a long-term strategic vision.
  • QHow to choose the right one?
    APlease send ut your detailed equipments by email or online, and we will recommend suitable products according to your equipments.
  • QWhat is the National Oil Palm platform of Liberia?
    AThe National Oil Palm Platform of Liberia (NOPPOL) is a multi-stakeholder dialogue space aimed at bringing together different stakeholders in the oil palm sector to collaborate. The vision of the platform is to achieve the development of a modern, competitive, and sustainable oil palm culture in the Republic of Liberia and in the world market.
  • QWho produces oil palm in Liberia?
    AThe situation has now changed, and production of oil palm is done by medium1 and smallholders as well as concessionaires. Oil palm is the most widely grown tree crop in Liberia by about 21% of households2 which accounts for approximately one tenth of employment in the agricultural sector.
  • QWho oversees the oil palm value chain in Liberia?
    AThe government of Liberia is responsible for oversight of the activities being undertake in the oil palm value chain. However, this mandate is in jeopardy with limited budgets for implementation.
  • QHow many people produce palm oil in Liberia?
    AAbout 21.2% of the farming households produce palm oil, and more than 220,000 people are employed in the oil palm sector. In addition to the employment opportunities provided, the export of crude palm oil serves as a major source of foreign exchange earnings for the Government of Liberia.