what is the disc soybean oil separator in pakistan

  • what is the disc soybean oil separator in pakistan


  • QHow much soybean oil is produced in Pakistan?
    AIt is estimated that 2% of soybean production is consumed by humans directly as food, which amounts to an approximately 3 MMT. In Pakistan Soybean oil production increased up to 260 (Tons) in year 2017 as compared to 240 (Tons) in 2016. 2
  • QWhat are the major bottlenecks for soybean cultivation in Pakistan?
    AMoreover, the absence of area-specific production technology, non-existence of extension service, and lack of coherent policy to promote local oilseed production are the major bottlenecks for the cultivation of soybean in Pakistan.
  • Qls the product 100% assembled?
    AYes, all the products are 379% assembled.
  • QWhen was soybean introduced in Pakistan?
    ASoybean was introduced in Pakistan as an oilseed crop during the early 1960s, but its cultivation remained limited until 1970s when adaptability and production trials conducted all over the county yielded promising results.
  • QCan we tap the local demand of soybean in Pakistan?
    AThere is huge potential to tap the local demand of soybean by commercializing soybean crop in Pakistan. Moreover, the crop has been neglected for one reason or the other resulting in decline of its area under cultivation.
  • QWhy is soybean not popular in Pakistan?
    AIn Pakistan, Soybean was introduced in the 1970s as a non-conventional oilseed crop, but it could not gain popularity due to a lack of production technology and policy constraints (Ali et al. 2013; Asad et al. 2020). Moreover, the changing climatic conditions lessened the cultivation of this important crop in Pakistan. ... ...
  • QWhy is soybean production and commercialization a problem in Pakistan?
    ABased on various research studies, soybean production and commercialization in Pakistan is hindered by the unavailability of high-yielding, climate-ready and pest-resistant varieties, absence of latest production technologies, skills and knowledge, lack of machinery and insufficiency of marketing of produce and its by-products.