a novel method for squalene extraction from pumpkin seed oil

  • a novel method for squalene extraction from pumpkin seed oil


  • QCan squalene be extracted from pumpkin seed oil?
    AA novel method for squalene extraction from pumpkin seed oil using magnetic nanoparticles and exploring the inhibition effect of extracted squalene on angiogenesis property. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng. 2018;91:1‐9. [ Google Scholar] 42.
  • QHow to optimize the extraction process of pumpkin seeds oil?
    AOwing to optimize the process, the following parameters were considered: extraction time, extraction temperature, and particle size. Soxhlet setup was used for extraction of pumpkin seeds oils. Using the combinations of chosen parameters, as provided in TableIII, experiments were carried out.
  • QHow is after-services of your company?
    AWe have on year warranty service. If you have any question can always find our answer.
  • QIs squalene a lipid emulsion?
    AIt should be noted that squalene was previously administrated intravenously in the form of lipid emulsion.
  • QIs squalene a novel food factor?
    A24. Cárdeno A, Aparicio‐Soto M, Montserrat‐de la Paz S. Squalene targets pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory mediators and pathways to modulate over‐activation of neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages. J Functional Foods. 2015;14:779‐790. [ Google Scholar] 25. Bhilwade HN, Tatewaki N, Nishida H, Konishi T. Squalene as novel food factor.
  • QWhat is squalene (sq)?
    ASqualene (SQ) is a natural lipophilic biomolecule that belongs to the chemical class of triterpenes. With a formula of C30H50, it acts as a precursor of sterols and other bioactive terpenoids. 13 There is a small amount of this antioxidant component in the human body (skin, liver, and intestine).
  • QDoes squalene promote wound healing?
    ASánchez‐Quesada C, López‐Biedma A, Toledo E, Gaforio JJ. Squalene stimulates a key innate immune cell to foster wound healing and tissue repair. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:9473094.