50 years experience palm oil refinery equipment

  • 50 years experience palm oil refinery equipment


  • QWhat is palm oil refinery palnt?
    APalm oil refinery palnt offer turnkey palm oil refinery plant solutions from plant layout design, machinery manufacturing, onsite debugging and installing. The production capacity ranges from 1 ton/d up to 400 ton/day. Palm oil fractionation machine can greatly maximize the value of products.
  • QWhat is palm oil refining process?
    AThe refining process includes degumming, deacidification, decolorization and deodorization, obtaining high quality refined palm oil. Palm oil fractionation equipment can separate palm oil into soft fat and hard fat by controlling the cooling and crystallization process of palm oil.
  • QWhat is the minimum quantity I must order?
    AWe don't technically have minimums, but if you order more than 21 sets once,we can give you a discount.
  • QWho makes red palm oil extraction equipment?
    AFor the extraction of red palm oil, we build modular units, turn-key installations and individual machines. With over 35 years of experience in sub-Sahara Africa and Latin America, RENTEC is Europe’s first manufacturer of professional palm oil extraction equipment.
  • QWho makes the best palm oil extraction equipment?
    AWith over 35 years of experience in sub-Sahara Africa and Latin America, RENTEC is Europe’s first manufacturer of professional palm oil extraction equipment. Our energy efficient mills combine the highest possible extraction rates with the lowest ecological footprint.
  • QWhat is HONG DE palm machinery?
    AHONG DE palm machinery provides a range of palm oil making machines to extract oil from fresh fruit bunches of oil palm. The following is the typical palm oil manufacturing process which might be useful for new investors of palm oil production business.
  • QWhich palm fruit oil pressing equipment is developed by HONG DE?
    AThe palm fruit oil pressing equipment independently developed by HONG DE has the characteristics of high oil yield and durability. Palm oil refinery palnt offer turnkey palm oil refinery plant solutions from plant layout design, machinery manufacturing, onsite debugging and installing. The production capacity ranges from 1 ton/d up to 400 ton/day.