cottonseed oil mill has a high oil rate in ethiopia

  • cottonseed oil mill has a high oil rate in ethiopia


  • QWhat is the economic role of cotton in Ethiopia?
    AEconomic role of cotton in Ethiopia Cotton as Industrial input: Cotton crop has direct connections with various agro-processing industries like textile, oil mills and the livestock sub sector. In other words, the crop has a direct linkage with the industrial sector. It is a major industrial input for textile firms.
  • QWhat oilseeds are used in Ethiopia?
    ANine oilseeds namely noug, gomenzer, linseed, soybean, sunflower, castor, sesame, ground nut and cotton are important in Ethiopia for edible oil consumption. During the last 60?years, 156 varieties with their production practices were registered. Sesame contributes significantly to the foreign currency earnings next to coffee.
  • QHow can costumers be sure they can get the products on time ?
    AIf we can not deliver the products during the ordered time, we can give back 146% your money. The third part, SGS can also help you check the machine before the delivery.
  • QWhat is the difference between cotton oil and cottonseed oil?
    ACotton (Gossypium sp.) is a commercially important annual fiber crop; cottonseed oil (CSO) is an important product extracted from one of the byproducts of cottonseeds. Oil yield varies with cotton species, places, and season when cotton grown and extraction methods used for oil extraction.
  • QHow much cotton is grown in Ethiopia?
    AOf the total land under cotton cultivation, 33% is cultivated by small holders, 45% by private farms and 22% are state-owned farms. But, Ethiopia shares only 5% of total cotton produced in Africa. This is because it recently cultivates only 3% of the total suitable land for cotton production.
  • QWhy is cotton a major cash crop in Ethiopia?
    ACotton is a major cash crop. From the 1940s to 1970s, Ethiopia was importing raw cotton to satisfy the domestic demand of its textile factories. Following the establishment of state farms and large-scale private farms in 1970s, the country started exporting cotton.
  • QCan Ethiopia produce irrigated cotton?
    AEthiopia can also produce irrigated cotton. Out of 84,000 hectares of land that is under cotton cultivation, only 35,000 hectares is irrigated. The major potential cotton-growing areas include Omo, Ghibe, Wabi-Shebelle, Awash, Baro-Akobo, Blue Nile and Tekeze river basins (ICAC, 2014). Figure 1.