energy saving factory pumpkin seed oil mill has a high oil rate

  • energy saving factory pumpkin seed oil mill has a high oil rate


  • QDoes palm oil mill increase the production of edible oil and biomass energy?
    AConsequently, the palm oil mill increases the production of edible oil and biomass energy. High production of fresh fruit bunches can lower the prices of edible oil and biomass energy (Proposition 2 (c) and 2 (f)).
  • QIs palm oil mill profitable?
    AThe palm oil mill is also induced to cooperate with farmers. With an appropriate agreement on the profit portion (left (lambda right)), the palm oil mill can be profitable with higher production of fresh fruit bunches, edible oils, and biomass energies.
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  • QDoes the palm oil mill consider biomass energy conversion?
    AIn this scheme, the palm oil mill, as the Stackelberg leader, does not consider biomass energy conversion. The palm oil mill may also anticipate the farmer’s actions. Initially, the palm oil mill declares its sales margin from edible oil selling.
  • QCan a profit-sharing scheme increase the profit of a palm oil mill?
    AThe profit-sharing scheme has the potential to increase the total profit for both the palm oil mill and the farmer. However, the farmer must determine a fair profit portion to ensure the palm oil mill continuous profitability.
  • QHow does a palm oil mill determine sales margin?
    AThe palm oil mill sets its sales margin based on edible oil extraction, biomass energy conversion, and the farmer's quantity response. At first, the palm oil mill determines its sales margin from both edible oil and biomass energy selling. The farmer then decides on the quantity of fresh fruit bunches based on the sales margin of the palm oil mill.
  • QHow does the palm oil mill anticipate the farmer's actions?
    AThe palm oil mill may also anticipate the farmer’s actions. Initially, the palm oil mill declares its sales margin from edible oil selling. The farmer then decides the quantity of fresh fruit bunches given the sales margin of the palm oil mill. The game is solved backwardly to illustrate sequential rationality.